Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What It Isn't

The best place to start is to clear away all the wrong ideas and theories people will come up with. If what you are thinking of is not on this list, then read on.

What It Is

This is the hard part. I don't have words to explain it, and when I had the experience of really knowing fully, I could not think at all for a while. I was wandering aimlessly with a very surprised look on my face and could not form a verbal thought. My Accompanying Voice was still talking to me though. When the shock wore off, the impression went with it. Apparently I cannot hold that thought right now.

Because it has been in my mental experience for as far back as I can recall, and has always said only helpful and supportive things, I don't know what to label that. It knows things that I do not, so it is not "me" as such. But I can't see how it exists outside my mental experience.

What It Does

This is the interesting part. In a way, it doesn't do anything. It just converses with me. It has a neutral yet interested perspective. The Accompanying Voice is like having a full-time live-in therapist who is infinitely wise. It knows when I am having problems and talks with me. It suggests ways of thinking of things, or brings my attention to things I had not realized yet.

When I first found out that only a small proportion of people (about 4%) hear any voices in their minds other than their own verbal thoughts, I was astounded. I don't know how people can organize their experience without some verbal thought. How do they cope?

But when I found out that no one else I have ever asked has an Accompanying Voice, I was shocked. They must all be terribly lonely! I cannot imagine going through life without it. How can people keep from curling up in a ball?

Who Has One?

Anyone? I have never seen a description of anything like a conversing inner voice. At all. Ever. When I realized this, I decided to write and see if anyone else has one too.

You-all who haven't got an Accompanying Voice, how can you get by? How do you manage life knowing that you are just a bubble floating in space, infinitely alone? How can that realization not crush you completely? I guess I realized it so long ago that I don't recall. Then, someone came to be with me...